Closet Organizing 101

Jun, 04, 2019
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There are a few rules of thumb to keep in mind when taking your closet on as a summer project or to prep for listing your home. As you can probably imagine, closets are a big deal — for homeowners and those looking to buy as well. Which means optimizing space, keeping things neat and being able to find your favorite clothing items are important. Below are a few steps that will help you attack the process of cleaning out your closet. I implemented these when organizing the closet pictured below. 

1. Get rid of everything you no longer wear, forgot you had or that no longer fits. This is the most time-consuming part, but it will save you tons of time later on. Whether you want to donate or sell these items, they need to be taken out of your closet completely in order to begin the organizing process. 

2. Completely empty out and clean your closet. Getting rid of items that you no longer need in your closet should make this a less intimidating process. Now you can easily, dust, vacuum, and clean the rarely scrubbed areas of your closet. This also creates a blank canvas to help with the process of putting things where they should be. Sometimes we allow things to remain in spaces that do not make the most sense, just because that is where they have always been. By taking everything out, you can put items back in systematically.

3. Categorize your closet. Like-items need to be in the same place. This goes for drawers and hanging sections. My go-to categories for hanging clothes are dresses, shirts, jeans, sweaters/jackets. Do whatever makes sense to you. By grouping similar clothes together, it will make finding certain items much easier later on.

4. Color-code your wardrobe. You may think this is over the top, but it really is the most important step. There is no better way to create a closet where you can find every piece of clothing you own AND that is aesthetically pleasing. You will be surprised at how organized your closet will remain, once you set it up this way and continue to put things back in their place after you’ve worn and washed them.

5. Use coordinating hangers. That does not mean go out and buy expensive matching hangers. But if possible. Use your wooden hangers for a particular category and felt for another. Give all wire hangers back to your dry cleaner or use in the kids’ rooms. Clothes rarely stay on them, and that creates unnecessary chaos. Sturdy velvet hangers are my favorite if you are willing to make the investment. Black or white will create the cleanest look. 

Reminder :: If you are cleaning up in order to prep your house for listing photos, aim to create 1/3 free space in your closet to avoid making it look small and cramped. The color coordinating of clothes and hangers will also help the closet show better during walk-throughs. 

Katie Nino

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I was skeptical about home staging but Katie did a mind blowing job staging my home for sale. She worked constantly, unobtrusively, and in a day and a half, transformed my house using my own ‘stuff!’ I told her I need to take her to my new house! She is very creative and very easygoing. Absolutely would recommend her!
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